Vape Coil Maintenance Tips For Beginners

As a beginner in vaping, it’s important to understand that proper maintenance of your vape coil is essential for a better vaping experience. A well-maintained coil not only enhances the flavor and vapor production but also extends the life of your device. In this article, we will cover some useful tips for maintaining your vape coil.

Regularly clean your coils:

One of the easiest ways to extend the lifespan of your Tugboat Evo coil is to keep it clean. Over time, e-liquid residue can build up on the coil, affecting its performance. To clean your coil, remove it from your device and rinse it under warm water. Allow it to dry completely before reinstalling it. For coils with heavy residue, soaking them in alcohol for a few hours can help break down stubborn gunk.

Avoid overusing your coil:

Coils have a finite lifespan, and excessive use can cause them to degrade more quickly. Overheating a coil or using it for longer periods than recommended can lead to burnt or dry hits. To prolong the life of your coil, try not to vape on it continuously at high wattages. Consider changing your coil every 1-2 weeks, depending on how often you vape.

Prime your coil properly:

Priming your coil before use is essential to ensure that it lasts longer. When you first install a new coil, ensure to saturate the cotton wick with e-liquid before using it. This helps prevent the coil from burning out too quickly and ensures a smoother, more satisfying vape. Allow the coil to sit for a few minutes after priming to absorb the liquid properly.

Check for burnt tastes:

If you start noticing a burnt taste when vaping, it’s likely that your coil is either burnt out or not properly saturated. Replace the coil immediately to avoid damaging the device. Regularly checking for burnt flavors is a good habit to get into to ensure the best vaping experience.

Use the right e-liquid:

Certain e-liquids can clog or gunk ups your coil faster than others. E-liquids with higher VG content tend to be thicker and can cause faster coil wear if not used properly. For better coil maintenance, opt for e-liquids with balanced VG/PG ratios that suit your device, ensuring smoother wicking and better performance.